
About Scholarships


Scholarship applications are now being accepted until April 4th.


Accompanying the list below is a brief explanation of the type and amount of the scholarship. Also listed are other eligibility criteria including which schools/seniors are eligible.

The following is the list of scholarships was last updated 01/23/24.


Scholarships For All Wayne County Resident Students

Aaron Hocker Memorial Scholarship: $1000 (1 available): Healthcare Major

Akers Scholarship: $1500 (1 available): Agriculture, Forestry, Agri-Business, and Education Major

Drs. Betty and Lawrence Caruth Scholarship: $1000 (1 available): Healthcare, nursing, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Veterinary - Need-Based

Earl R. Riefler Pre-Medical Scholarship: $1000 (1 available): Pre-Med

Edwin J. Thomas Memorial Scholarships: $1000 (4 available): Based on academic achievement and need

Engstrand Scholarship: $1,000 (1 available): For a Wayne County student majoring in Horticulture

Herzog Scholarship: $1,500 (1 available): Mathematics, Business, Music, Career Technology, or Teaching - Academic and Need-Based

Jeri Bigart Memorial Scholarships: Amount Vaires. (2 available) Need-Based.

Leon Scudder Scholarships: Amount Varies (10 available): Need-Based, potential multi-year

Marshall Scholarships: $1000 -$2,500 (1 available): Agriculture, Diesel Power technology, Agri- Business, Heavy Equipment Operation or other agricltural / construction training programs

Pleasant Valley Grange: $1,500 (1 available): Forestry, Environmental Science, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Tech, Technology, Natural Gas Industry, and other similar fields

Robert Zabady: $1,000 (2 available): Culinary Arts or Healthcare major

Wayne County Bar Association: $1000 (1 available): Pre- Law, Criminal Justice or Forensic Science major

Wayne County Community Foundation Paul Edwards Scholarship: $1000 (6 available): Need and community activities

Wayne-Pike Medical Society: $2000 ($500 over 4 yrs. -- 1 available): Healthcare field

William E. Schwarz Scholarship: Up to $5000 (1 available): Automotive Industry, including Mechanics, Technology, Engineering, Marketing, Sales, and related fields


 Scholarships For Honesdale High School Students Only


David Dulay Memorial Scholarship: $1,000 (1 Available): Building Trade and Technical Education

HHS Friends of Boys Basketball: $500 (2 available): Selected by Coaches

HHS Friends of Soccer: $1000 (1 available): Selection by Coaches

Honesdale Lion's Club: $1000 (1 available): Optometry, Vision Health or Therapy major or Healthcare

John G. and Eleanor P. Rickert Memorial Scholarship: $2000 (1 available); Education major

Kelley Lalley Memorial Scholarship: $1000 (1 available); Member of HHS Varsity Basketball Team

Luke Rickard Memorial Scholarship: $1000 (1 available): HHS Varsity Basketball player

Megan E. Wilcox Scholarship: $1000 (1 available) Christian Ministry or class salutatorian 

Mimi Steffen Scholarship: $5000 (1 available (this year, 2024) Current graduates or graduates within the past two years. Need based.

Osborne Scholarship: $500 (1 available): Selected by Coaches.

Robert F. Diehl, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: $1000 (1 available): Career and Technical Education

Rowe/Box Scholarship: $1000 (1 available): Career and Technical Education


Reed Sandercock Memorial Scholarship: $1000 (1 available); HHS Basketball


Stovall Scholarship: $1500 (1 available): Selected by HHS Guidance, “most improved student”

Swendsen Scholarship: $1000 (2 available): Highest ranking student to major in engineering and highest ranking student participating in the Health Occupations Program


Scholarships For Forest City Regional High School Students Only (click on the specific applications for these Forest City ONLY Scholarships)

David M. Cavalieri Memorial Scholarship: $2,500 (2 available)


Forest City Alumni Association David St. Ledger Scholarship: $1000 (1 available); Class Valedictorian

McAndrew Memorial Scholarship: $5000 (1 available): Medical Career Field

Sterchak Scholarship: $2500 (1 available): Architecture and Engineering

Scholarships For Honesdale High School And Sullivan West (NY) Students Only

Jake Hopkins Memorial: $1000 (2 available, one for each school): Career and Technical Education


 Scholarships For Wallenpaupack Students Only

Alice Welker Music Legacy Scholarship: $1000 (1 available) the highest grade average in Band and Choir (to be determined by WAHS choir director each year.)

Gayle Akers Koropchak Scholarship: $5,000 spread out over 4 years (1 available)

Greene-Dreher Alumni Association Scholarships: (Various amounts)

Wallenpaupack Medical Foundation Scholarship: (1 available) $2000 a year up to 4 years for student with the the highest GPA in Science.
(1 available) a one time $2000 award available for any student going into the health professions with an essay required .

Schmitt, Karllina Memorial Scholarship: $1000 (1 available) Education, Counseling, Art Therapy, Construction, Construction Management, or Entrepreneurship or to a student attending a trade school. Chosen by family committee.

Ann Marie Simons Sportsman Scholarship: $1,000 (2 available) For a male and female athlete demonstrating great sportsmanship in a high school sport.


 Scholarships For Western Wayne High School Only

Jake Burkhardt Memorial Scholarship: $500 (1 available): Science major. Eligibility based on need.

 Scholarships For Lackawanna College Students Only

Scott Smith Memorial Scholarship: $1,000


Scholarships For Wayne, Pike, Lackawanna, and Susquehanna Kids

The Berry Burcher Audubon Scholarship: (1 available) For families with children aged 8-13. Full scholarship to a family nature camp at Hog Island, Maine. Contact the Foundation for more information.


Selction Process

The Scholarship Committee of the Foundation’s Board of Directors will review all completed applications, making recommendation to the Board for final approval. For General Scholarships, students must be Wayne County, PA residents, attending either public or private schools, or a student at Wallenpaupack Area High School for scholarships specific to Wallenpaupack Area High School Students. Selection is based on academic achievement, community involvement and financial need.  For Donor Advised scholarships, the Foundation’s  Scholarship Committee reviews all applications and makes selections aligned with the scholarship sponsor’s directions. Students selected for a scholarship will be notified in writing in early June. Students will then need to respond to that notification with information about the school to which they have committeed in order for the scholarship check to be issued. 

For any questions, please contact Connor Simon at csimon@waynefoundation.org