
Youth Advisory Committee - Mini Grant Application 2023

Wayne County Community Foundation
Youth Advisory Committee - Mini Grant Application 2023

Deadline: November 3rd, 2023 at 5:00 pm

Youth Advisory Committee Mission Statement: The Mission of the Youth Advisory Committee of the Wayne County Community Foundation is to familiarize Wayne County youth with the potential of philanthropic activities by providing the opportunity, through cooperative leadership and to give financial support to projects designed to improve the youth community.

Purpose: The intent of the Youth Mini-Grants Program is to introduce the concept of a Community Foundation and its work while supplying educational and funding opportunities. Grants up to $1000 are available for projects or programs that will benefit elementary and secondary age students in Wayne County schools and/or community groups. Please note that some awards are partially funded.  The total amount available for grants will vary from year-to-year. The Committee will determine the dollar amount and number of grants after receiving all applications. 

What can be funded? Proposals that are school or student oriented will be considered for funding. These include special classroom projects planned by students; extracurricular activities such as student newspapers, special sports, arts-related projects or other community related projects. It is important to note that these grants are intended for groups not individuals. As this is a student program, teacher or administrative programs and teacher remuneration will not be considered. 

It is required that students, not adults (with the exception of grades pre K-5 or community groups) write the applications. Applications written by adult mentors will be disqualified. As indicated, teachers/advisors from pre-K- grade 5 may help students write the application after class discussion has occurred.

  • All applications must be signed by a student representative, adult, and when applicable, by the principal.
  • No classroom/group may submit more than one application per year. 

Reminder, applications are due November 3rd at 5:00 pm.

Apply Here

If you have any questions, please email info@waynefoundation.org

Please note, a final report will be required to be submitted after your project/program is completed. Reports should be submitted to info@waynefoundation.org no later than 30 days after project/program completion and should include a brief description of the project/program and its impacts. We highly encourage you to send photos and/or marketing samples to us after your project is completed. The Committee may request an interim report for project/programs with unusually long time frames. The Committee will consider requests for extensions when necessary.