
WCCF On Track to Donate 5000 Dictionaries

Students in Library“Thank you so much for the dictionary. I will use it a lot. I love to look-up words! I even like to do it for fun and I love the colorful pictures…” Evergreen Elementary Student

For the past sixteen years, the Wayne County Community Foundation has given a dictionary to 3rd Graders in the County. Last year, we began providing dictionaries to the 3rd Graders in the Forest City Regional Elementary School. To date, we’ve given out 4,750 dictionaries and with this year’s program we will go over the “5000 mark.” We do this in order to promote learning and make the community aware of the Foundations commitment to education and out kids….For information about making a donation visit us on the web at waynefoundation.org or call (+1) 570-251-9993. Ten ($10) purchases one book and we’ll even put you name inside on a bookplate…..

“You are so kind to give this dictionary to me. I have used it like 40 times. I’m always ‘in’ my dictionary. Sometimes, I just flip through it to see words that I didn’t even know existed.” Lakeside Elementary Student